Collab Space

Have your say!

The Collab Space showcases initiatives that give voice
to Quebecers who want to have their say in our reflections and projects.

The Hydro & Me Panel

Your energy inspires us

Would you like to influence Hydro‑Québec’s decisions and projects? You can! The Hydro & Me Panel is a community of people we consult on a regular basis, usually through online questionnaires. Share your opinions and experiences on topics that matter to you and be among the first to access information on upcoming projects.

Discover the Hydro & Me Panel


Hydro Lab

Let’s turn ideas into action

The Hydro Lab is an open innovation laboratory where inventive ideas take root. In this co-creative space, members of the public, Hydro‑Québec employees and experts come together to explore and test innovative solutions, and the most promising ones will be prioritized for rapid implementation. 

Discover the Hydro Lab


Upcoming initiatives

Other initiatives are coming to the Collab Space. Stay tuned!